Environmental Scanning, often referred to as an early warning system, is monitoring the external environment beyond your competitors and industry. Properly implemented, a robust environmental scanning capability allows the organisation to monitor trends, issues and events to discern the patterns and enable the early identification of both opportunities and risks. In a rapidly changing world, this early identification can allow your organisation time to prepare and develop an appropriate course of action.

We can assist you with your environmental scanning efforts in a variety of ways:

  • Introduction to Environmental Scanning Workshop
  • Internal capability development
  • Outsourcing some or all of your environmental scanning
  • Implementation of collaborative tools to share insights within your organisation and facilitate analysis
  • Performance of an environmental scan as input into your strategic planning or scenario development exercise
  • Management briefings on major change drivers: environment, economics, society, technology, values, politics to stimulate your strategic thinking
  • Organisation and facilitation of collaborative roundtables with other organisations to explore the external environment and possible developments.

Environmental scanning is an easy first step to start to orient your organisation toward a culture both externally and future focused. This can assist your organisation to become more proactive and better able to differentiate yourself from your competitors.


FutureNous can assist you where to look, how to look and how to interpret the data to determine what needs further investigation, monitoring and how these insights can be used within your organisation to accomplish your goals.

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