FutureNous is a foresight and strategy consultancy helping organisations improve the ability to look into the future and effectively anticipate change to focus your efforts and improve your organisation’s performance.
No one can predict the future; however you can get better at anticipating developments and shorten your response times. Our aim is to enable you to make better informed decisions and therefore increase the chances you will achieve your desired outcomes.
Within your organisation there is a wealth of knowledge; about your organisation, the industry, your customers and what is likely to happen in the future. What is usually missing is a good process to integrate this knowledge into a coherent picture able to assist you to make better decisions and improve your organisational performance. That’s where FutureNous can assist.
Our name, FutureNous, is the combination of the timeframe we are most comfortable with, the future, and “nous” which has various definitions usually related to the intellect or larger meaning of something. The common vernacular uses “nous” to mean common sense. It is that definition which most resonates with us. Our goal is to help you better understand the future in a manner that is sound and practical and therefore useful.
We assist our customers to:
- Increase revenues and profits by recognising opportunities and threats ahead of their competitors.
- Reduce overall costs by being proactive rather than reactive.
- Improve the leadership team’s confidence and commitment to the organisation’s future and strategy by changing the way they think about what is possible in the future, broadening their viewpoints and assumptions.
- Improve their strategic thinking capabilities. Strategic thinking is intent driven, leading to outcomes, which positions the organisation to successfully maximise opportunities and minimise threats.
- Ask better questions – there is no right answer to the wrong question!
- Translate their understanding of the future into strategy which can be executed today!
FutureNous helps you create tomorrow today!